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Our three-level list is a variation of an earlier example program but I inserted another level (somewhat without reason :-)).

The principle of the implementation is simple. The first-level list is backed by an ExpandableListAdapter. The child views generated by this adapter are ExpandableListAdapters themselves that provide the second-level groups and the eventual child elements. Listeners are set for the group events (expand/collapse) of the second-level lists. When a group event occurs on a second-level list, the layout of the first-level list is also recalculated to accomodate for the size changes of second-level expandable lists.
This sounds simple but there are some tricky points that made me spent more time on this prototype than I expected. The first issue is with the individual rows of the second-level lists and the view recycler. Check out getChildView() in When the layout of the list is recalculated, the old views are offered to the list adapter for reuse. The getChildView() method gets the old view instance in the convertView parameter. If convertView is not null, the adapter has the option of reusing the old view instance. In this case the adapter does not instantiate a new view but sets the old view instance appropriately, decreasing garbage (Click here if you want to read more about the importance of less garbage collection in mobile environments). Now our problem is that we cannot just set up an ExpandableListView instance without destroying its internal state, i.e. the expanded/collapsed state of the groups. For this reason, it is extremely important to preserve the views and to prevent the first-level ExpandableListView of rearranging the second-level lists (handing out a second-level ExpandableListView in a certain position as a convertView at a different position). For this reason I implemented a cache in ColorExpListAdapter that makes sure that only one second-level ExpandableListView is generated for each child position in the first-level list and that second-level ExpandableListView instance is consistently returned for the same position. This guarantees that the collapsed/expanded state of the second-level views are preserved when the layout of the first-level list is recalculated.
The other tricky issue is the size of the second-level lists. The layout recalculation of the first-level list is triggered by a group event of a second-level list. Due to the way expandable lists are implemented, when this event occurs, the items of the second-level list which was clicked are not yet added/removed according to the expand/collapse action. This means that the size of the list will be incorrect when the first-level list layout is recalculated.
To solve this problem, observe the row count calculation in ColorExpListAdapter's calculateRowCount method and the way the row count is used in DebugExpandableListView's onMeasure method. DebugExpandableListView originally started to exist so that I can observe the layout of the second-level lists then it turned out that it has an important function: override the onMeasure method of the original ExpandableListView (actually inherited from ListView). Lazily, I kept the class name and the debug messages in it so that you can observe the rather complex operation of the layout process if you feel like.